Conservation Effectiveness is a community effort (not a systematic review), lead by the conservation and environmental science news outlet Mongabay.com and the tropical forest ecologist and conservation scientist Zuzana Burivalova. Anyone can contribute new evidence from published studies - get involved!

- Medha Bulusu, CIFOR and University of Goettingen. Contribution: findings on PES, PAs, FSC, also manages the Land Tenure Reform, platform testing
- Tatiana Maeda, University of Wisconsin Madison. Contribution: findings on PES, platform testing, user guide
- Jay Oliver, intern at WWF. Contribution: findings on FSC, PES, CFM
- Renzo Giudice Granados, University of Bonn. Contribution: findings on PES
- Annika Schlemm, Oxford University. Contribution: findings of PAs
- Amy Fensome, University of Exeter. Contribution: findings on MPAs
- Zuzana Burivalova, University of Wisconsin Madison. Contribution: Manages strategies, scientific design and oversight of the platform
- Tom Allnutt, GreenInfo Network. Contribution: Platform development
- Dan Rademacher, GreenInfo Network. Contribution: Platform development
- Shreya Dasgupta, Independent Science Writer. Contribution: Conceptualization
- Mike Gaworecki, Mongabay Newscast host, Mongabay. Contribution: Conceptualization
- Rebecca Kessler, Contributing Editor, Mongabay. Contribution: Conceptualization, editorial oversight
- Rhett Butler, Founder & CEO, Mongabay. Contribution: Conceptualization, fundraising
- Willie Shubert, Global Program Director, Mongabay. Contribution: Conceptualization
- Erik Hoffner, Editor & Content Strategist, Mongabay. Contribution: Conceptualization and communications
- Fredy Polo, European Forest Institute. Contribution: findings on FLEGT
- Paolo Cerutti, CIFOR. Contribution: Manages the FLEGT strategy
- Rodrigo Mendes, Mongabay. Contribution: findings on reforestation
- Sharif Mukul, Mongabay. Contribution: findings on reforestation
- Forests of the World class 2020, University of Wisconsin-Madison. Contribution: findings on reforestation and other strategies
- Sven Wunder, EFI and CIFOR. Contribution: Contribution and advising on multiple strategies incl. PES and FLEGT, fundraising
This project has been supported financially by the MacArthur Foundation, WWF, and CIFOR. Please contact us if you'd like to support this initiative.